Friday, March 12, 2010

Dealing with Frustration God's Way

Throughout the past several months, I have been facing incredible frustration, and I haven't dealt with those emotions in a Christian manner -- not in the least! I try to take my faith a step further and strive to follow right in the footsteps of my Master Yeshua. While I know that He experienced anger and fear in a very human way, my concern here is not whether or not I experience emotions (I'm going to, especially as a very emotional person) but in how I deal with those emotions.

I am a notoriously impatient person. I know in my heart that YHWH puts me in a position to gain patience, thereby teaching me patience instead of granting it to me undeserving. It is my responsibility to hold tightly to Him and not let go even in the darkest of times.

One of my worst habits is to make things much, much worse than they really are. I elevate things in my own mind and blow them out of proportion. When I need something done, I need it done right now. I have a constant sense of inexplicable urgency. It would be easy enough for me to dismissively say that I am a product of the times in which I live (and certainly it is common for modern people to have a sense of entitlement and urgency!) but the truth is that these emotions and attitudes are things which I can tame.

My frustration seeps into every aspect of my life: I become frustrated when my Dear Husband doesn't do the things that I ask him to (quickly); I become frustrated when child training isn't going my way and when Darling Dinky isn't responding to my discipline; I become frustrated when I can't find time in a day to write in my blog(s) or to edit my lenses on Squidoo. To put it simply (if a bit unkindly), I have a very short fuse.

I've struggled with this my entire life. In all of the time that I can recall there has never been a moment when I haven't been quick to anger. It affected me as a daughter, sister and friend long before it affected me as a wife and a mother. What saddens me is that it took me nearly thirty years to realize how quick my temper is, and then to discover that I had to do something about it.

The wonderful thing is that with Messiah, all things are possible (Philippians 4:13). If I lean on Him and accept His blessings, I can make it through any and all of the storms in my life. I can count on Him to weather this with me and to see me through the end.

Experience has told me that with YHWH, it is always darkest right before the dawn -- because it has to get really dark for me to realize how much I need Him. Well, this is that time: I am choosing to reach out to Yah and beg Him to rescue me from the mess that I have made. He wants me to lean on Him instead of pushing Him away, and what is frustration if not a pushing away of our Father?

I want to get this right, and I know that He wants me to get it right by leaning on Him. God's way is not one of misery and sacrifice, but one of love and blessings. I know that He is looking forward to rewarding me for coming through this on the other side (though perhaps not unscathed).

So how do I get through the frustrating moments His way? I praise His name every opportunity I get!

Today I praise Yah for giving me the talent necessary to make money from my writing; I praise Yah for giving me a wonderful and wise Husband who loves me in spite of my quick temper; I praise Yah for a beautiful and healthy daughter who is trying hard to learn what we expect; I praise Yah for giving me the opportunity to please Him; I praise Him for calling me home to Him in the first place; I praise Him just for being.

In every day, and in every moment, we must be praising our Creator, our beautiful Elohim, our sweet Messiah. I am grateful. I will do well to remember that.

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