
Marriage, Motherhood and Miracles is a blog written by a married Christian lady who is seeking increasingly to honor Yahweh in her everyday life as she becomes more and more deeply the heart of her home. This is a blog about the Christian journey of faith and communion with Yahweh and His son Yeshua the Messiah. This blog is about community, faith and fellowship. It is about sharing what I am learning through fellowship and Bible study.

If you have come here through my former Wordpress blog, I thank you for following the link in, and invite you to subscribe to the new feed either by adding yourself as a Blogger follower or by subscribing to the Atom feed. You will find other feed options listed in the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page. Choose the one that suits your needs.

I have chosen to move my site from my own domain due to the fact that a malicious spammer has spread my link across the World Wide Web claiming that Marriage, Motherhood and Miracles is something which it is not -- namely something which is dirty and abusive. Something which is far from being Christian. These targeted backlinks were causing my site to index for adult topics related to a sinful activity in which I have no part. I find myself humiliated and debased and cannot continue to allow my site and my family to be associated with such things. I am saddened that there were pictures of my daughter on that site.

Marriage, Motherhood and Miracles is a part of my growing ministry in two ways: Firstly, it is a part of a network of sites which serve the purpose of helping other young women to come together for Yahweh and to learn together what His design is for our lives as wives and mothers: as women of God. My hope is that we can learn and grow together. Secondly, this network of sites serves my family through revenue produced from advertising and affiliate commissions.

I am learning. You may notice the subdomain of this blog: titus-2-alone. The reason for this subdomain is the fact that I am learning to become the woman of Titus 2 with the Bible as my sole guide. My mother wasn't a woman who represented these principles, and I haven't met a woman in my life as an adult who had stood to teach me the things I never learned at home, growing up. Now it is my turn to pass these principles on to my daughter.

I am learning. This experience is about learning and growing through Messiah and I pray that my writings here will bless you.