Friday, March 12, 2010

The Power of Praise

Until recently, I never really quite understood the power of praising God. Praise was something that happened within the church setting, led by a minister who "knew what he was doing." It was a group activity. In fact, when I prayed alone, I felt as though I fumbled in my efforts to praise YHWH appropriately. While I could think of dozens upon dozens of reasons to lift my voice in praise for Him, I felt as though my words were mediocre, at best.

To put it bluntly, I thought I was boring God.

In case it isn't yet obvious to anybody reading this, I am just a little bit insecure.

I'm not perfect. Yah knows that, and I know that. But my own imperfection is not an excuse for me to stop trying to meet His high standards for me.

My imperfection is not an excuse for me to cease praising His name!

There is a reason that I keep my head covered all the time in accordance with 1 Corinthians 11:2-16: Because I believe in ceaseless prayer.

To my mind, praying without ceasing does not pertain to our continual supplication to YHWH, but rather to our continued praise for Him. In every moment there is an opportunity for praise. I may choose to praise Him for putting my husband into my life, or for giving me a beautiful daughter who means the world to me. I may praise him for giving us the financial means necessary to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I may praise him for the bounty of the earth or the success of my writings. Daily there are dozens (or more!) reasons for me to praise Yah!

But I haven't been (praising Him).

Two days ago I picked up The Prayer that Changes Everything. This wasn't an incident where I was stepping out and attempting to correct my past mistakes and repent before God: No, I am certain that He led me to the bookshelf and put the book in front of me so that I would pick it up and necessarily read it (since I read, cover to cover, almost everything I put my hands on). I had barely begun with Stormie Omartian's words struck me deeply as she spoke about God calling her to worship him -- and nothing else. She was to put aside the daily supplications and focus on worship, and she obeyed.

Now I am a woman of little supplication. It isn't because I "don't want to bother Yah with my problems" but the fact is that He has already greatly blessed my family. There is very little that we need that we don't already have (though surely plenty that we want).

Reading Mrs. O'Martian's words were like a light bulb going off in my mind. I was astonished by the understanding of what praise really means to Yah. Instead of affording myself the luxury of disappointment (in myself) I picked myself up and in that instant began to praise His name. I have now dedicated myself to thirty days of praise (though I am not ruling out necessary supplication in the meantime).

I know that YHWH is working in me because I know, deeply, that when I praise Him for the things I have in my life, the things I don't have become less significant. When I praise Him for giving me such a wonderful and loving husband, I see Darling Husband's faults less. When I thank Him for the blessing that is Dear Dinky, I find myself becoming naturally more patient with her.

All things begin, and end, with the praise of God. Here's to the next thirty days!

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